Better Bachelor
Lifestyle • Politics • Culture
A channel focusing on single men, brave women, and people wanting fun stories, media news, and self improvement videos poking fun at the world we live in today
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Better Bachelor Video - Dating apps are holding on for dear life, and they're failing

Bumble wants to get rid of that whole 'getting to know each other' phase and more about getting right to the 'you down to f-ck' phase I guess? They don't know shit about dating and it shows.

Better Bachelor Video - Red pilled men actually care more about women, than women do.

When left to their own devices, women will literally choose the worst option for themselves, every single time.

Better Bachelor Video - Why can't women just behave better?

A Onlyfools skank decides she needs to flash her tits on a global live stream to get internet clout but shutting down the project, and women chime in being awful.

October 13, 2022
Better Bachelor Podcast - Why love him when you can just use him?

A 'dating coach' shares how by supporting and being kind to her husband, she's actually secretly sabotaging his desires while fulfilling her own.

Better Bachelor Podcast - Why love him when you can just use him?
September 08, 2021
Odd Man Out Podcast For September 8th 2021
Better Bachelor Podcast Episode 42 Men and Emotions Don't Mix

A bit of a scattered video, but I want to address men and losing their emotional awareness, Fresh and Fit's fallout due to losing control of their emotions and how Rich Cooper from Entrepreneurs In Cars calls me out (in the correct logical way) and a response to that.

Better Bachelor Podcast Episode 42 Men and Emotions Don't Mix
Fallout has gained some hype recently, would like to see if there is a gaming community interested in Fallout 76

I've been playing World of Warcraft with fellow guildies for the past 5-6 months and need a bit of a break for something new and refreshing. I'll still be playing WoW a few nights a week but would like a fun alternative with other game players not into WoW.

So it appears Fallout 76 can be played with friends on a private 8 person server so long as there is a fallout 1st (monthly paid subscriber) on the server. I've decided to purchase Fallout 1st membership so others can play on the server with me if interested.

It's fun as a solo adventure, but I'd like to see how much fun it is with others as well. Apparently, any items or skill-ups you get on the public game server carry over to the private one and vice versa so even if no one else is on, you can jump on the public server, group up with others or just play solo.

here's a review for Fallout 76 if you want to check it out.

I've posted a poll to get a feel of interest, please vote ...

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November 10, 2022
Upcoming Events!

Every Saturday - Movie Night 8pm EST

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Better Bachelor
5923 Kingston Pike # 139
Knoxville, TN 37919-5074

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Quick update on the homestead

Thought you guys might like to see the slow and methodical update on the house. It's looking great, solar is being installed this week and I'm meeting with a tile guy on Monday. I'll keep you posted, but we're looking like 4-5 months and I should be done. If I run the 16kw of panels and the 70 kwh of batteries in a 20% to 80% capacity they should easily make it through the warranty period with enough life I'll likely die before they do. No generator backup nor gas, I won't need one with this system and a wood stove for the winter.

It's a small but nicely finished home which is what mattered to me. 1200 fq ft not including my basement studio.

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