Better Bachelor
Lifestyle • Politics • Culture
A channel focusing on single men, brave women, and people wanting fun stories, media news, and self improvement videos poking fun at the world we live in today
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Live Streamed on July 20, 2024 3:28 PM ET
Today's news, USSS upset at mean men, Leeds UK riot arrests, students not hired

Lots to go over today, some fun stories, some crazy and some concerning, hop on in and let's go!

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Better Bachelor Video - Onlyfools viewing skyrockets and I get trolled

Some OnlyFools stats and then I get trolled (in a fun way), better than I've been gotten in a long time.

Better Bachelor Video - Happy Birthday Homewrecker

Jana (who's slept with married men) says women want married men because they're neat and confident, but the truth always comes back to the truth.

They're successful, preselected and have status because she only STILL sees the top 10% of the married ones.

September 19, 2024
Odd Man Out Clip - Trump campaign hacked by Iran (or the FBI?)

Seems the bad guy the government is trying to get us angry over is Iran, but is it REALLY Iran, or is this a false flag to wag the dog?

October 13, 2022
Better Bachelor Podcast - Why love him when you can just use him?

A 'dating coach' shares how by supporting and being kind to her husband, she's actually secretly sabotaging his desires while fulfilling her own.

Better Bachelor Podcast - Why love him when you can just use him?
September 08, 2021
Odd Man Out Podcast For September 8th 2021
Better Bachelor Podcast Episode 42 Men and Emotions Don't Mix

A bit of a scattered video, but I want to address men and losing their emotional awareness, Fresh and Fit's fallout due to losing control of their emotions and how Rich Cooper from Entrepreneurs In Cars calls me out (in the correct logical way) and a response to that.

Better Bachelor Podcast Episode 42 Men and Emotions Don't Mix
Upcoming September Streams - Live with Joker (Supporter Only Events)
  • Ongoing - Saturday Nights (Unless UFC event scheduled then it will be Friday that week) - Saturday Night at the Movies Live
  • Sunday September 8th (1:00pm EST) - Buffalo Bills Vs Cardinals
  • Thursday September 12th (8:00pm EST) - Bills Vs. Dolphins
  • Saturday September 14th (8:00pm EST) - UFC 306
  • Monday September 23rd (7:30pm EST) - Bills Vs. Jaguars
  • Sunday September 29th (8:20pm EST) Bills Vs. Ravens
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November 10, 2022
Upcoming Events!

Every Saturday - Movie Night 8pm EST

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Mailing Address for gifts and donations:
Better Bachelor
5923 Kingston Pike # 139
Knoxville, TN 37919-5074

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In Joker's stream yesterday, he had a segment talking about realfemsapien, a supposed conservative woman who busted herself as a chameleon. This was the only time I have even heard of this channel and I only heard it on the locals live stream. I didn't look into her channel or research it in any other way.

Yet somehow, that channel showed up in my recomended feed on Youtube this morning. I use Brave as my browser and my phone is a de-Googled Android, so there wasn't anything that could intercept or listen in on the locals stream. Despite my attempts to keep Google spying out of my life, it appears I have still failed somewhere. Where the hell it got that lead from, I'll probably never know. Sneaky mother fuckers.

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